Wednesday, 21 September 2011

New Runner with increased hunger and thirst help!!!!?

Hi I am a new runner. Im 28 and only slightly over weight.

I just started the couch to 5k program. I am now on week 3 of my program and I am improving. However I am beginning to experience some of the same problems I experienced last time I tried to start running.

I am becoming increasingly hungry and thirsty. My body feels like it needs to drink to the point that my fluid intake causes me to urinate every 45 minutes and I get uncomfortably hungry every 2 hours no matter how large of a meal I eat. When I say uncomfortably hungry I mean just that my body begins to shake or I will feel dizzy or light headed.

It is a change I definitely experience when I try to start an exercise program.

I am not diabetic I have been tested for mellitus and my blood sugars were perfect, nor am I hypo or hyper glycemic. I have also been tested for diabetes insipidus all came back negative.

I do however happen to have mitral valve prolapse and the associated autonomic symptoms

I wondered if I am missing a nutrient or something that is causing my body to crave more food and water or is it associated with my autonomic nervous systems dysfunction.

Are there any other runners out there who experience the same thing or have maybe an idea of why I am experiencing this?
New Runner with increased hunger and thirst help!!!!?
im a new runner as well im doing the 10k Program with nike plus

i felt Absolutely starving at 1st and like you say head spinney where u lack food

i take multi vits protein shakes eat healthy food every couple hours instead of 3 big meals

this will help your body's needs but i found your digestive system will get used to the cravings and go away if you carry on. but neva to skip meals :o)

you say your slightly over weight? trust me you carry on running and eating healthy you will be toned and it will pay off a great deal im seeing real great results from since i started 2months ago

good luck
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