Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Changing the globe on my blinker for a ford falcon?

Hey, i have a ford falcon el, 97, and am trying to change the front left hand side blinker but can not see how i can get to it.....is there a trck involved? i can get to the head light but not the blinker?
Changing the globe on my blinker for a ford falcon?
I always use a ballpeen hammer.
Changing the globe on my blinker for a ford falcon?
look on the inside on the back of the blinker housing and see

if the bulb unscrews from the back
hey mate

open the bonnet and i think theres 1 or 2 screws that hold the indicator in.....once thats unscrewed you have to give it a small tap with your hand to push it out of its spot....as it has a push in clip to hold the light in.

Then its a case of just unscrewing bulb and then tap in the light back into its spot and presto light bulb changed

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