Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Lego darth vader minifigure light-up saber?

i got a lego darth vader mini-figure and when you push the head down the lightsaber should light up. the batteries are done though. how can you change the batteries?i know they aren't supposed to be replacable but it must be possible to do it.
Lego darth vader minifigure light-up saber?
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Lego darth vader minifigure light-up saber?
Check out this video that shows how to replace the batteries for the mini figures:

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I dont have any of those minifigures, but I can say they got the batteries in there somehow. Pull off the head and legs to see if there is a panel of somekind that can be pulled off.
like a lot of toys/figures of that nature when the batteries done thats it. they will be encased in plastic and impossible to remove unless u want to damage your figure.


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