Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Baby taken a fall to the head?

My 6 week old baby took a fall this morning. My husband was changing her diaper on our bed, and when he got up, she slid off and fell on the wood floor :(. I was still mostly asleep so i didn't see how exactly she fell, i just heard the thud, and her start crying reeally hard.

Our bed isn't too high.. only about 2 feet off of the ground.

She only cried for a couple minutes.. i've checked to make sure her eyes change in the light.. she hasn't vomited at all, she can move all her limbs like before.. i don't noticed any indentation or swelling on her head, and about 45 min- an hour after the incident she was fine.. looking me and her father in the eyes when we spoke to her, and was even smiling spontaneously and in response to our smile.

It's now a little more than 2 hours after wards and she's napping.. i tickle her tummy a little bit every so often to make sure she startles like she normally does.. is there anything else i can do to check or is it possible that she could be fine after a fall like that?
Baby taken a fall to the head?
sounds like you are doing everything I would do in that situation. I really couldn't suggest anything else you would need to look for. Well maybe keep an eye on her fontanelle and make sure there is no change there (overly sunken or raised). A potential head injury maybe present itself there in terms of brain swelling or something like that.

Accidents do happen thats why they are called accidents so don't feel too bad about it. It has happened to me and many many more mothers and fathers out there! Babies are a lot tougher than we think so just keep an eye on her.

So long as she keeps responding normally and you don't have any causes for concern then she will be just fine and you will both learn from your mistakes!

best of luck and congrats on your new little girl
Baby taken a fall to the head?
How scary! She seems fine though and as long as she continues to act normal, I wouldn't worry. Baby's are pretty durable :)
I'm not a nurse, doctor or even mother but sounds like you got it covered and everything is covered/ok. I would not try for a repeat if I were you two, sounds like a rude awakening.
Aww. I would take her to the doctor in any case. Better safe than sorry. I hope she's fine.
so scary... my 2 month old fell off the couch last night and i felt horrible! but he's fine and i'm sure yours is too

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