Tuesday, 20 September 2011

I see two lines, But could it be an Evap Line? HELP?!?

Recently I have been feeling a tad bit funny. Nauseas, Light headed, Appetite has changed, and my boyfriend has noticed changes in my body as well. My skin has been a lot more shiny, I'm breaking out a lot more, My nipples are larger then before, starting to change in color, and i have these dark blue veins running around them, and he says that when we have sex, he feels like he is hitting something that wasn't there before.

So first signs all pointed to pregnancy. Seeing as how I'm broke, I got a New Choice Preg. Test from The dollar store. I took it early in the morning. And left the room to go lay back down and let it absorb. Forgetting it was there, I left it sit for hours. The dye ran a little bit, and I'm not sure if this is a positive line or just an evap line. Can anyone help?

Camera sucks, sorry http://i520.photobucket.com/albums/w329/xoxocraziigerlxoxo/webcam%20fun/Worried005.jpg
I see two lines, But could it be an Evap Line? HELP?!?
i'm pretty sure it says positive. Try another test.
I see two lines, But could it be an Evap Line? HELP?!?
I'm sure i can see a line but just to be sure test again in a few days but i think it's safe to say congrats :-)
how can you forget about something like thatt? It kinda looks like there's another very faint line there.. take another one but maybe different kind.
It looks like an evap to me. The pink dye in the middle of the lines indicates it's an evap as well. It also kind of looks like you may have flooded the test, which washed some of the pink away from the control line and moved it to the right, giving an impression in the test area. Try again in the morning.
I think it is positive but, since you let it sit so long I would take another test to make sure. Just take one tomorrow morning, then try and stay up for it, Lol.

Good luck!
I think you only need to dip the tip in urine or put it under the urine stream for 5 seconds. I'm sure you were to anxious to read the directions thoroughly. When I first found out I was pregnant I was a wreck. The first pregnancy test I ever took was positive. lol. But you need to make sure you do it how the directions say to get a accurate reading. So, I would recommend throwing this out and taking another one. By the looks of this one I would say not pregnant. I don't know if I'm the only one who can read a pregnancy test but I only see one line. Here is my pregnancy test from when I was pregnant. http://i451.photobucket.com/albums/qq236鈥?/a>

I imagine it would be more defined if it was actually positive. I used First Response. Here is a picture of a positive test result with a New Choice Test http://www.howcanigetpregnant.org/wp-con鈥?/a>

Don't stress about the other changes you may have noticed. It depends on how old you are. It may be puberty (your body matures a lot between 16-22) or even your period coming. Also, women tend to get most of their pimples in their early 20's unlike guys and you get them before your period when your hormones levels drop. Stress can cause changes too. So don't worry too much. Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any more questions.

Sorry I assumed you were young. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I'm a bit confused, you posted a question a month ago saying you were pregnant....now you don't know if you are. Are you trying to have a baby? Maybe you need to go see an OB/GYN.

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