Friday, 7 October 2011

I seem to intimidate guys. why and how can i change this?

I seem to intimidate guys. why and how can i change this?

i do not want to sound big headed. but i find most guys i date start off really keen, then somehome get scared off. I have high morals, take no bullshit, but at the same time i am kind, and light hearted and humorous, and a healthy self esteem. I am considered very attractive by most guys, and i find its a curse. im looked at as meat, even though i dress myself down. I am also very independent and give off the vibe that i dont need anyone. which i dont, but i do want someone.......

usaully after 3 - 8 dates, they fade. the dates are amazing, but they fade. maybe its cos i dont have sex with them and they are the wrong kind. i cant work it out.

Additional Details

i have alot of guy friends also if that makes it worse.............
I seem to intimidate guys. why and how can i change this?
Girl, you're just what most of the can't handle. You're smart, independant, good looking, and use your intuition to keep up with their chatter. It freaks them out! They are mostly looking for someone who needs help (they think all females need help). Just do what your doing. There's guys out there looking for the independant woman. the woman that can take care of herself in all situations. And when he finds you and you find him, Oh, boy!! Watch out world, here they come!! Best of luck and have a great weekend.
I seem to intimidate guys. why and how can i change this?
Dont change it thats a sorta good that u intimidate guys many guys find that some girls/women are easy to have. But if you have a lilttle feisty attitude they will try harder and harder to get with you. But if they leve that will mean that they didnt want you for u they wanted to get inside of you. Also some guys like to be the one to intimidate ther girl but your just doing it the other way around. Stay being you dont change!!! Hope I helped.
It's called being independent. Guys are intimidated by girls with too much self-strength. Your right, it may have to do with the sex and they are the wrong kind of guys. But it seems your strength it what is the scariest for guys. Men want to feel needed, want to feel strong, want to %26quot;save%26quot; the lady in distress. This doesn't mean you should change who you are, maybe just tone down the independence a little.

I am a lot like you, so this advise comes from experience.
It may be the type of guys you chose...

It's not intimidation, it might be that those guys are just lusting over you and when they find out they can't have sex with you they move on. It is not you, I'm sure it is them.

If a guy really wants to make a relationship work with a woman they will endure everything about that woman that might intimidate them.

Think about it.
you could have many potential problems. 1. you may come off as one of those strong independent women types which a lot of guys are intimidated by try going for a shyer guy they tend to like those girls better. 2. you may be dating guys who want some action in the relationship and since you don't do that they hit the road after a while. 3. you could be seen as a tomboy and a lot of guys love hanging with tomboys but not BEING with them
Its more than likely because you arent having sex with them and because they fade because of that, you are pickin the wrong men. Dont change yourself for someone else, dont start having sex with them just because you dont want it to fade. Just be you and have patience and Mr. Right will find you. Good luck.
Well I wouldnt say u intimidate guys as if u did u wouldnt even get to a dating stage they would be too scared to ask u out, so Im guessing its something your doing, once your dating the guy, or it might just be u havent met the right guys yet.
Be yourself, but don't come off as so hardcore miss independant woman. Be humble but yourself. Keep up the good work and do not have sex with them.

hope this helps
This is a tough one to answer without actually being there to see what's really going on. The only thing that seems clear is that these guys' views of the situation are obviously different from yours!

From how you describe yourself, I would make a few suggestions. Firstly, you might be coming across as overbearing or bossy. Being a confident, take-charge sort of lady is an awesome thing! But sometimes it can seem to come across as meanness, bullying or even just coming on too strong. Especially if you're still in high school or early college, guys your age are still figuring themselves out and may tend to overreact to any behaviours they feel 'challenge their masculinity'. That doesn't mean you should change yourself to suit them! It just means you might have to wait a bit for the boys to catch up with your maturity, or start looking at different types of guys :P

Your independent vibe might be telling guys that you aren't interested in them! There is nothing wrong with not having sex, and nothing wrong with being independent and confident as I said. But you might be coming off as aloof, bored or distant, in which case the guys might be 'fading' because they feel unwanted.

The best way to figure this out is to closely study your own behaviours, and to consider how you yourself would react to them if the guys were the ones doing them. A bit of soul-searching seems to be in order here.

I can pretty much guarantee that having a lot of guy friends isn't the problem. Any guy who is scared off by a lady having a mixed-gender group of friends is not the type of guy you want to be dating!

As a last note, I'd just like to say that you don't need to dress yourself down unless you want to. If you have to deal with a lot of street harassment you can cover up more if it makes you feel safer, but you should always dress in a way that makes you feel the most comfortable and confident! There's no need to hide yourself away if that's not how you'd prefer to dress :)
You have a few things going on that would scare somebody off. Being independent and taking no bullshit is great. However giving off the vibe that you don't need anybody is a turnoff. I am not saying that you should come off as needy, but the %26quot;I don't need anybody vibe%26quot; makes you seem cold and uncaring. You should never come across as if someone is your whole world, but if someone is important to you there's nothing wrong with communicating that. If you want someone to care about what's important to you it has to be a two way street. Good luck.
Im not saying you should go out there Wh*reing yourself off but maybe you should try out sex and see if it sparks out and relationships..Wont hurt to try because what is life without experience. Better to know what the problem is than to grow old, miserable, and die lonely because you don't know why your relationships fade. you sound a lot like my girlfriend but me and her got past the taking **** from no one since both of us were like that. Its a word i like to call compromise.

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